Case Study

Food Service Procurement Plan Saves Member $63K

The Challenge:

This company was managing their procurement strategy on their own before switching to Foodbuy Foodservice. Because the member is made up of franchises, managing contracts, vendors, and direct deals was becoming overly time consuming and resource-intensive. Once the member aligned with Foodbuy Foodservice, they immediately saw the potential value of switching to our programs and wanted to jump in right away.

The Solution:

Foodbuy Foodservice reviewed all the company’s direct deals, revealing opportunities for massive savings. Additionally, market baskets were created to showcase the opportunities available within our network.

As a Foodbuy Foodservice member, the company has been able to not only save money but increase efficiency. Rather than managing multiple direct contracts, they now work through their Foodbuy Foodservice account manager, freeing up their employee bandwidth.

The Results:

– 17 direct deals were converted to Foodbuy Foodservice programs thus far

– 32% average price savings on switches to a new disposables program and an incremental $30K in annualized rebates

– $33K in incremental annualized rebates due to switches to a new center-of-the-plate category supplier

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Leveraging the scale of the world's largest foodservice and hospitality provider.