Shopping Local Like a Pro
Finding and Promoting Locally Sourced Food in Your Restaurant
Balancing between culinary innovation and community engagement is an ongoing challenge for restauranteurs. One way to bridge this gap is by actively supporting local businesses. Whether it’s through finding locally sourced food, fostering collaborations, or showcasing regional flavors, restaurants can play a pivotal role in uplifting their communities.
Here’s how restaurants can effectively support local businesses while enhancing their own offerings.
Embrace Collaborations
Collaborating with local businesses on specific menu items is a great way to support your local community and appeal to consumers. We recommend partnering with a local bakery on a signature baked good. Not only does this support a local business, but it also provides patrons with a one-of-a-kind dining experience.
Highlight Local Partnerships
Do your guests know that you support local businesses? They won’t unless you tell them. Try incorporating menu inserts that introduce customers to the local farms and producers behind your ingredients. This can create a deeper connection to the community.
“Meet Our Farmers” sections not only educate diners about the origin of their food but also showcase your commitment to locally sourced food.
Cater to Regional Tastes
One way to stand out as a community-focused business is to recognize and cater to the distinct tastes of your region. For instance, if you’re in Texas, embracing the BBQ culture can be a powerful way to celebrate local flavors and traditions. Maybe your business is based in Louisiana. Creole recipes might be a good addition.
By incorporating local flavors, you not only honor the culinary heritage of your area but also appeal to the preferences of your clientele.
Get Started With Locally Sourced Food Products
Maybe you want to expand your local and regional offerings. Your Foodbuy Foodservice account manager can help you identify new programs. Our portfolio of regional and local programs are tailored to support businesses like yours. Our supplier network includes regional and local programs for:
Meats and seafood
Specialty foods
Bakery items
Interested in locally sourced food programs through Foodbuy Foodservice? Become a Member today.